A high-quality replica of the Trident prop used by Black Manta in Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom.
Copied directly from the original prop with exacting attention to detail, this stunning 7-foot heavy duty replica is molded out of powder-coated aluminum and features all the fine detail as seen in the film. Each replica comes in 4 sections which are easily assembled via an integrated threaded mechanism into an impressive whole.
Each replica includes a display plaque and a certificate of authenticity.
Limited to 200 pieces worldwide.
Caution: THIS IS A COLLECTIBLE FOR ADULTS AGED 18 YEARS AND OVER ONLY. It is intended for display purposes only.
Contains functional points, care should be taken when handling, never strike anything or anybody with this product.
Measures 1.25” L x 10” W x 84” H and weighs 15 lbs.
You can expect to receive your item 7-10 business days after placing the order. We are unable to accept returns or exchanges. All sales are final.
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