In the anime series Suicide Squad ISEKAI, the elite task force known as the “Suicide Squad” embark on an adventure in ISEKAI (another world). With misfit Super-Villains including Harley Quinn, Amanda Waller and her operative Peacemaker, Rick Flag, Katana, and the princess of the kingdom in another world, Fione, this 17 oz. stainless steel water bottle will store your drinks as you join them on their mission in ISEKAI. Its double-wall construction keeps the liquid temperature constant for several hours and glossy finish gives it a vibrant and shiny look.
High-grade stainless steel
17 oz.
Vacuum flask
Double-wall construction
Glossy finish
Odorless and leak-proof cap
Insulated and suitable for hot and cold liquids (keeps the liquid hot or cold for 6 h)
Hand-wash only
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